Minecraft One Block Map

Ever wanted to experience more challenging survival in Minecraft download? Get the latest Minecraft one block map from our website that holds a gameplay on a single floating block above the void. Players have to experience adventures with limited resources, more survival options and challenging conditions. Your world is minimized to one single block that you have to rebuild, it’s up to your creative skills.

Minecraft One Block Map

Experience Survival On Minecraft One Block Map

Minecraft offers unlimited features to experience in the overworld but adding adventure-themed maps is the most popular one. In this article, we will provide a detailed guide on the demanding Minecraft One block map that’s basically an adventure-action pack one. Using the Minecraft map, players will initially spawn at the solo block that is floating on the sky having 9 to 14 phases to complete. If you’re willing to experience new survival challenges with rare resource extractions, this Minecraft Bedrock Edition map is perfectly designed and preserved for you.

You can spawn different blocks, items, mobs and other things phase by phase that hold new adventures. Start completing the difficult levels of the map whether you’re a pro player or a beginner as the map can be experienced by all. Make your floating journey adventurous with more fun and joy. Also checkout Minecraft Village Maps for medieval-styled buildings in large village landscapes.

Minecraft in 1 Block

Here’s the most fantastic and interesting map where players have to survive on the survival island having only one cube with no resources at all. Spawn at this beginning point and start your survival journey from here to reach the dragon easily. Moreover, to start playing on the map, players have to break that one cube. The number you’ll break the cube, the resources you’ll get for survival. This map has 10 phases to complete, each holding a new theme and items.

OneBlock Map

If you’re wanting to experience a more complex and adventurous one block map, this one block is for you. In the map, the main goal is to break the chest where players are spawned and get items from it. After breaking the blocks, they have to break the blocks for leveling up in this stunning one block Minecraft map. For starting the main game, going through a special portal is necessary for players in the map.

Survival in One Block

This survival in One Block is another variant of Oneblock maps where players have to challenge themselves to survive on 1 block. This map has different levels of difficulty that players have to complete for survival without our basic resources. Whenever you complete the levels/phases in the map, your one block landscape and resources on it will increase from time to time. You have to continuously break the blocks in the map for faster progress.

1 Block Sky Survival

Here’s the final and the most interesting and exciting map that allows players to experience survival on a one block above the void with no resources at all. Your adventure begins above the void on a survival island where you have to survive without any resources. This land lies on 1 cube having different levels and phases to complete. From the starting point of spawn, players have to play way more smarter to move forward and get resources. Create your valuable and magical floating world on this one block map.


In conclusion, Minecraft one block map holds one location that’s a block floating on the void. As a player, you have to make your survival easier by completing the levels of difficulty and gathering rare resources with challenges and adventures. Restore your survival overworld, keep completing the phases, invite your friends and enter into Minecraft dimensions as well with the stunning one block map.


Can I invite my friends to this map?

Yes, you can invite your friends to this map.

Can I enter The Nether and The End in this map?

Yes, you can enter The Nether and The End in this map.

How can I download this map?

You can download this map’s .zip file from our website and add it to Minecraft.

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