How To Make Rockets in Minecraft

Enter into the world of Minecraft APK where the overworld is filled with highly activated rockets or firework rockets for great explosions. Players can now craft the boosting rockets with our ultimate guide on how to make rockets in Minecraft. From using them as weapons to explosives, players can now experience rocket fires in both Minecraft Java Edition and Minecraft Bedrock Edition.

How To Make Rockets in Minecraft

Ultimate Guide on Making Rockets in Combat

Minecraft has always something creative to offer for making the survival gameplay more adventurous and exciting. If you’re here to know the ultimate steps of making a firework rocket in Minecraft, this article is for you. In Minecraft, firework rockets are an amazing source of fire that create great explosions to places wherever needed either to kill hostile mobs or damage the habitants of them. 

Players can use firework rockets for different purposes such as these can be used as ammunition loaded in the crossbow, elytra fly booster or as a bomb for best explosions. These firework rockets act as a high damage dealer while in the PvP combats against mobs. Embark on a new survival journey and experience distinct adventures with these high-powered rockets. For making a rocket, you need 3 materials to gather or craft including Paper, Gunpowder and  a Firework Star. Let’s start crafting the materials first and then the main firework rocket in Minecraft. Also explore top features of Minecraft Techguns Mod.

Get Paper 

In Minecraft, paper is a simple item that players can use to make books, enchanted tables or rockets. For making a firework rocket in Minecraft, you need to craft a rocket first. In the process, you need 3 Sugarcane to place in the 3×3 crafting grid. Place 3 sugarcane in the middle boxes of column 1, column 2 and column 3 of a grid.

Get Paper 

Get Gunpowder

Another main essential required to make a firework rocket in Minecraft is a gunpowder that players can’t craft but gather with exploration. Players can get the powerful gunpowder by killing the main creeper mob that’s green in color as a creeper drops gunpowder when killed. Players can also get the gunpowder by entering a command: “ give @p gunpowder 1 ” in the chat box.

Get Gunpowder

Get Firework Star

The third one that’s required to make a firework rocket in Minecraft is a firework star. This material is the most important one in making fireworks. You need any- color dye and gunpowder to craft a firework star. Place 1 dye in the 1st box of row 2 and 1 gunpowder in the 2nd box of row 2 of the 3×3 crafting grid.

Get Firework Star

Crafting a Firework Rocket 

Lastly, here we’re going to craft a firework rocket in Minecraft with all the gathered materials including a firework star, a paper and a gunpowder. Place the dye in the 1st box of row 2, a paper in the 2nd box of row 2, and the gunpowder in the 3rd box of row 2 of a 3×3 crafting grid. This is how you can craft a firework rocket in Minecraft. Collect the rocket from the output box and place it in your survival or creative inventory.

Crafting a Firework Rocket 

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