Minecraft Techguns Mod 

Minecraft Techguns Mod is the most popular survival expansion that players can add to their survival world by adding unlimited guns, shotguns, machines, armor sets, and a whole combat system. From shooting the targeted enemies with blaster shotguns and machine guns to killing the passive mobs with rifles and pistols, this mod transforms your blocky Minecraft free world into a blockbuster combat arena.

Minecraft Techguns Mod 

Transform Blocky Overworld into Survival Techguns Combat Arena

Among the largest collection of Minecraft mods present at our website, this techguns mod stands out as the dangerous and thrilling survival adventure that allows players to enter into a dungeon type world filled with hostile and passive mobs. The mod aims to feature techguns, shotguns, rifles, revolvers, pistols, tanks, knives, and a variety of armor sets, each having defensive backs in Minecraft Java Edition.

You can adventure the bloody fights against mobs, use hi tech weapons, shoot the mobs from guns and utilize machines to craft further weaponry. From explosives to shooting, this mod adventurously enhances your gameplay experience. Moreover, get interdimensional portals, weird locations, skin packs and magic spells in Minecraft Dr Strange Mod.


Minecraft Techguns mod aims to offer featured techguns that are so effective and efficient to utilize in survival fights against mobs. Each gun has special effects, damages, powers and shooting styles, based on the version. Fight heavy battles against mobs using advanced guns including Hand cannon, Revolver, Golden Revolver, Pistol, Double Barrel Shotgun, Combat Shotgun, Blaster Shotgun, Thompson SMG, Mac 10, Vector, Light Machine Gun and Minigun.


As this mod is a combat-centric expansion that allows players to adventure the fights in the survival mode, players can use various powerful weapons and explosives against the enemies to kill them in war. From using melee weapons to energy weapons and from special weapons to advanced weapons, the mod is a pure weaponry mod that makes the gameplay more enhanced. The main weapons added by the mod are:

  • Combat Knife
  • The Infiltrator
  • Bolt Action Rifle
  • TFG 10K
  • Chainsaw
  • Mining Drill
  • M4 Assault Rifle
  • De-Atomizer Pistol
  • Crowbar
  • Nuclear Death Ray
  • Power Hammer
  • AS50 Sniper
  • Grenade Launcher
  • Laser Pistol
  • Guided Missile Launcher
  • Grim Reaper
  • Sonic Rifle
  • Tesla Gun

Armor Sets

Another main feature of this mod is armor that defensively attacks targeted enemies and other entities. Players can use strongest armor sets, each having specific bonuses and mining speeds. Moreover, these armor sets have specific effects and attacks against fire, dark, energy or poison. Start fighting against passive mobs of Minecraft wearing these thrilling armor.

The main armor sets added by the mod are Bandit Set, Combat Set, Hazmat Set, Miner’s Set, Ranger Veteran Set, Soldier’s Set, Commando Set and Advanced Combat set.


Ever wanted to repair and upgrade your weapons in Minecraft, this mod features the most demanding machines that are useful in charging batteries, producing disassembling weapons, upgrading armor, repairing and drilling. You can use such machines in the game when there’s a need for crafting, repairing, upgrading or building something special. The main machines added by the mod are: 

  • Ore drill
  • Repair bench
  • Charging station
  • Blast furnace
  • Fabricator
  • Grinder
  • Upgrade bench
  • Metal press
  • Ammo press
  • Turret
  • Reaction Chamber
  • Chemical laboratory


Finally to conclude this article, we can say that Minecraft Techguns mod is the fastest way to make your survival worlds repaired and upgraded by adding hi tech guns, weapons, armor sets and an advanced combat arena. Whether you’re a thrilling player seeking for gun fights or you want to experience the most dangerous fights using weapons, this mod is perfect for you to download and experience.


Does this mod add armor into Minecraft?

Yes, this mod adds armor into Minecraft.

Can I repair and upgrade weapons in this mod?

Yes, you can repair and upgrade weapons in this mod.

Is this mod free to download?

Yes, this mod is free to download from our website.

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